Building Soulful Organisations


Leader in You, Coach in You, Source in You




leader, coach, source

Building Soulful Organisations

evolutionary purpose

exploratory mindset

Authentic voice



Building a Soulful Organization is what a leader intends, as they work on their own personal mastery. Our vision is to support leaders build and develop organisations that ignite positive energy, promotes well-being and ensures that each employee pursues their passion, take ownership for their tasks while contributing to the highest interest of the community.

We trust that the sustainability of organisations and the ability to thrive and survive rests equally on the well-being of individuals and their relationships in bringing organisations to life and in implementing their own work and personal visions.

The invitation is to actively invest in organisational well-being by sowing the seeds that honour individual needs and aspirations, encourage self-expression in support of self-management and nurture an environment that fosters a sense of deep connection and mutual purpose

As a leader embarks on their journey of personal mastery they are able to clearly articulate a soulful business intent that magically unfolds as employee experience and customer connection. It is an inside out approach to organisational development and talent management, where the focus is placed on individuals as they shine their light to enliven the spirit of the organization.

Wherever there is Mastery, Coaching is happening
Wherever there is Coaching, Personal Mastery is a natural outcome

Awareness & Acceptance

Changes at the Knowing level touch our beliefs, thoughts & mindsets, thus creating a shift in our worldview and the lens with which we engage with our world.


How are you viewing your life?

Appreciation & Accountability

An Understanding at the Being level that touches our very core, our values, our source.

It ultimately creates a shift in our Identity i.e. in who we are being, an appreciation and acceptance empower us to engage with the world authentically.

The greatest gift you have to give is that of your own self – transformation


How committed are you to transform your life?

Application through Alignment

Changes at the Doing level touch our competencies, actions, skills, behaviours, the way we do things and apply learnings. You can’t change the cards you are dealt with, but you can change how you play them.


What are you willing to commit to manifest your full potential?

Amplification through Celebration

Reconnection at the Source level enlivens us to build the perfect world for each other. Observing life may seem like it’s happening outside, but in reality, life is taking place inside us. Life is a celebration, each day with the natural flow of life.

How are you going to experience each day as a celebration of life?


The Shift

Telling  →  Asking

Correction  →  Connection

Net worth  →  self worth

critique  →  celebration

performance  →  potential

control  →  mastery

person  →  presence


Building Soulful Organisations

Leader in You

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Coach in You

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Source in You

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Shining the light inward to deepen awareness and drive accountability

Radiating outward to ensure application and alignment to the heightened awareness

Up to 24 participants 

2 day program, 12 learning hours


in-person or virtual

2 Accountability Partners

leader in you

The level of consciousness of an organization cannot exceed that of a leader. Consciously or unconsciously, leaders put in place organizational structures, practices and cultures that make sense to them, that corresponds to their way of dealing with the world. 

Our Leader in You offering is an invitation to explore, enrich and enhance our understanding of our choices that influence the way we lead. It is a journey that paves the path of wholeness for Self, others and life.

We create an environment that nurtures

  • Reflection at both an individual and a team level
  • Prioritizing the need for focus
  • Non-judgmental sounding board for dialogue
  • Ability to mirror back to the team and individual what is going on
  • Strong focus on the outcome, as defined by the team
  • An enhanced focus on acknowledgement

Each journey is customised with an understanding of the cultural context and business need of the organization, and are experiential & immersive in nature. 

This methodology promotes deeper reflection amongst participants at an individual level as they engage with each other with a renewed sense of collaboration, appreciation and inclusiveness

Leadership Development follows a three-pronged path

  1. Anchoring in Authenticity
  2. Building Personal Presence
  3. The Art of Common Purpose

Experience the inner world of leadership through the power of coaching

Use the coaching modality to build leadership bridges across the organization

Up to 24 participants 

2 day program, 12 learning hours


in-person or virtual

2 Certified coaches

coach in you

Coaches are the mid-wives of culture; they deliver the leaders who have the leverage to grow a vibrant culture. Utilising Coaching within a leadership role has cascading effects that can ignite their teams to take ownership of their work and careers. Shifting a leader’s style from managing workloads to coaching employees takes thoughtful efforts by both the leader and the organization. 

We facilitate the development of coaching competence as a leadership tool to support leaders

  • Connect with themselves at a deeper level that promotes Self-expression
  • Capability to have a more wholistic and balanced view of leadership
  • Confidence to deepen relationships one conversation at a time
  • Lead from an aligned place of purpose, aiding greater effectiveness

The engagement is highly experiential in nature. The practices and coaching methods taught to enhance the power of personal presence, which has the potential of creating powerful spaces which enable people to drop below the surface-level issue and get to the heart of the matter

Leaders apply the learned concepts with direct reports, peers and colleagues, in a manner that the knowledge is transferred within the organization, and a coaching culture emerges

A new Operating Model of engagement is generated by exploring three pathways

  1. The Mindset of a Coach
  2. A Coach’s Tool Box
  3. The Artistry of Coaching

    Allow the integration and understanding of transformation at the deepest level

    Create deliberate pathways that support the interplay of our individual function and essential Self

    Up to 12 participants 

    2 day program, 12 learning hours


    in-person or virtual

    2 spiritual partners

    source in you

    Spirituality can be thought of as an appreciation of our purpose and our connection to self, to others and to something greater than ourselves. It is our endeavour to open the door to spirituality in the workplace. It is an invitation to explore and experience different degrees of human consciousness and self-discovery. 

    Creating a spiritual workplace is a long and slow process. Employers have to change how things are done to foster spirituality at work instead of just reaching targets. It is about finding meaning, value, and motivation in one’s work beyond paychecks and performance. It is about people finding a sense of oneness and togetherness in an organization as a whole.

    Our focus is on aligning leaders with the blueprint of their Source, so that they are able to activate the will to follow their life path, using their insight and ability to see and feel their energy, derived from their re-connection

    Participants discuss their lived truths and open to receive their higher wisdom in service of humanity, through a process Self Mastery through a series of deep dialogue with Source

    • Accessing Source – The Importance of a Spiritual Practice
    • Awareness of Authentic Self – The Labyrinth of the Mind
    • Articulating Life Path – The Difference between Purpose & Path
    • Accepting Aspirations & Challenges – The Joy of Giving
    • Accountability for Creating a Life of Significance – The relevance of Free Will & Single Pointed Focus
    • Acknowledging the Presence of Grace – The Beauty of Surrender
    • Appreciating Oneness – Leading a Life of Abundance
    • Anchored in Source – The Beauty of Oneness

      Soulful Organisations

      Interested in (multiple selection possible)

      amrita singh

      Facilitator & Lead Coach

      Amrita A. Singh

      Amrita A. Singh

      MBA, PCC, MCLC, Partner at Back to Source Coaching

      • Amrits is an Executive & Team Coach, Coach Trainer and a Facilitator of Personal Mastery workshops, with 25 years of business experience

      • With her deep understanding of building teams, building business from scratch and enabling others to drive results, she brings in rich experience and expertise to her clients

      • The quest for personal mastery is her life goal for herself as well as the message she brings through her work

      • Her perspectives on applied spirituality in the workplace, through her transformational ideas and frameworks, offers a fresh perspective to Self-Leadership

      • She believes that the consciousness of an organization is directly proportional to the consciousness of a leader that leads it

      • It can be thought of as a movement away from and a movement towards. Instead of focusing on improving only what they do, she encourages leaders to move actively towards fine-tuning who they’re being when they do what they do

      • Her programs offer a rare opportunity to experience personal growth and resilience interweaving the wisdom of timeless universal truth and awakening an individual’s innate and infinite intelligence

      • She is described by those who know her and have worked with her as a leader with strong people development skills, disciplined coaching practices and the ability to not only motivate her teams but also empower them to succeed in whatever they set out to do.

      • She is acutely aware that gaining personal mastery is always a work in progress, it is committing to a lifelong discipline her style of facilitation is empowering as she supports her audience access their inner wisdom, which serves as their GPS and steers them on their journey Back to Source

      nidhi, priyanka

      Support Team

      Nidhi Arora

      Nidhi Arora

      PCC, CLC, MTech, Co-creator at Back to Source Coaching

      Priyanka Arora

      Priyanka Arora

      ACC, Program Leader at Potentialife

      flowering of

      Human Consciousness