

Honouring & Serving the Journey of Another




personal mastery, business mastery, coaching mastery


Books are a gateway to freedom – they have opened my head, heart, and soul, in that order. I walked into the world of books when I walked into the arms of my husband, who spent our dates reading aloud to me and my journey with learning through the stories others shared gave expression to my own.

We have curated here options for your own joyful indulgence.

A number of books under the personal mastery I have read cover to cover and several times over, the books under coaching and business mastery are books I keep going back to as reference points as I deepen and widen my offering to the world

Today, reading is an integral part of my day, it gives me the ability to reach within and explore higher grounds and keep walking the path Back to Source.

windows to the soul

Music & Lyrics

Music is the language of the world, it breaks all the borders and connects straight to the heart. It amazes me how music irrespective of its source, has the potential to communicate the message of oneness, the purity of the soul, the joy of life.

I learnt to sing before I learnt to speak, metaphorically, and for that I thank my paternal Aunt, to whom I often sing the song from Abba – Thank you for the Music, she sang to me as she cared for me as an infant and we continue to share playlists that we curate, till this date. My experience with music is that it is a plane of wisdom and a bridge of connection, a reminder of oneness that surpasses all superficial distinctions between people.
I harbour the dream of facilitating a workshop someday with only music and these would be some of the songs that would make the cut