flowering of
Human Consciousness

Building a Soulful Organization is what a leader intends, as they work on their own personal mastery. Our vision is to support leaders build and develop organisations that ignite positive energy, promotes well-being and ensures that each employee pursues their passion, take ownership for their tasks while contributing to the highest interest of the community.
We trust that the sustainability of organisations and the ability to thrive and survive rests equally on the well-being of individuals and their relationships in bringing organisations to life and in implementing their own work and personal visions.
The invitation is to actively invest in organisational well-being by sowing the seeds that honour individual needs and aspirations, encourage self-expression in support of self-management and nurture an environment that fosters a sense of deep connection and mutual purpose
As a leader embarks on their journey of personal mastery they are able to clearly articulate a soulful business intent that magically unfolds as employee experience and customer connection. It is an inside out approach to organisational development and talent management, where the focus is placed on individuals as they shine their light to enliven the spirit of the organization.
Wherever there is Mastery, Coaching is happening
Wherever there is Coaching, Personal Mastery is a natural outcome
The Shift
understand your challenges, aspirations, and vision for your organization
What to Expect
Human Potential Measurement Tools
Assess how fully potential is expressed.
Discovery Workshops
Uncover new insights, spark creativity, and align shared goals.
Tailored Coaching Programs
Empower thriving individuals and teams.
Amrita A Singh, Mark Vandeneijnde

Mark Vandeneijnde
MBA, CTPC, Co-Founder AT Being at Full Potential
Amrita A Singh and Mark Vandeneijnde join forces as alchemists for individual and organizational evolution. Together, they aim to foster conscious, purposeful workplace cultures that inspire innovation, collaboration, and well-being.

Amrita A. Singh
MBA, MCC, Founder at Back to Source Coaching
nidhi, nitasha, priyanka, ruchira

Nidhi Arora
MTech, PCC

Nitasha Adya

Priyanka Arora

Ruchira Gokhale
Amplify Your Impact
We coach leaders, change-makers, and social entrepreneurs to reconnect with their essence, leading from a place of purpose and authenticity.
Unlock collective creativity, well-being, and resilience by uncovering what drives team performance at its core.
Create cultures of trust, collaboration, and innovation to elevate employee engagement, drive breakthroughs, and achieve next-level performance.
Soulful Organisations
case studies
Success Stories
Human Potential based restructuring at Omega HMS
In early 2017, Omega Healthcare Management Services, a global leader in business outsourcing for healthcare service providers, underwent a restructuring aimed at further strengthening their number one corporate value: CUSTOMER SERVICE.
Inner Development (IDG) Measurement & Alignment at Siam Computing
Siam partnered with Being at Full Potential, a human and culture development firm, to align their 8 core values with the Inner Development Goals (IDG) framework.
client interviews
Success Stories
Interview with Andrew Thornton – Owner Thornton Budgens Supermarketnt, Omega HMS
Interview with Laura Saldivar Luna – Chief People Officer Teach for America
Interview with Dr. KS Saravanavasan – VP Talent Development, Omega HMS